Conscious Connection



“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others”

- Pericles

A legacy is something that we leave behind—a gift, a child, memories of a beautiful life. Legacy Projects allow us to create something physical to represent the life we have lived, or a loved one who is dying or who has already transitioned. Our projects take on many forms; a photo album, letter, a memoir, a video, a ceremony, and more. My desire is to help you envision and create a Legacy Project that is personal, meaningful, and everlasting.


“Rituals are the passageways of the soul into the Infinite.”

- Algernon Blackwood

When it comes to death and dying, we have the opportunity to create our own deeply personal ceremonies to help us navigate difficult moments and to find the peace and beauty within them. The human experience revolves around ceremony. And while a funeral is the most well-known ceremony associated with death, there are countless ceremonies and rituals that we can create to fulfil different needs. Ceremonies can help us to find strength, to acknowledge loss, to seek clarity, and to give meaning to our time here on earth. Depending on the purpose, we can call on our own traditional and cultural practices, our unique ancestral knowledge, as well as our personal experiences to create a moment in time that is both powerful and moving for those who are still here, and for those who have passed on.

We use secular, nature-based rituals and items.

Some of the benefits of ceremony include:

Creates deep bonds between you and your loved one(s)

Helps to express healthy grief

Marks significant milestones

Helps to ground, calm and anchor

Is an act of self care

Can be created as a group or individually


“If the trees can keep dancing,

So can I”

- Nancy Cross Dunham

Grief comes with a heaviness that only those who have carried can truly understand. We know that the only way through is through, so we must keep moving—physically and emotionally—until we find that peaceful place. While we are all familiar with the emotional side of grief, the body’s grief process is just as layered and profound. Grieving bodies are tender. If we slowly allow ourselves to sit with our feelings, this self knowledge can be used to both identify where the pain and struggle are living in the body as well as to tap into the deep love that we hold. Through gentle movement, breath and sound, we can encourage the body to soften and to help shift the grief so that we may again connect fully with life.


“Life is energy and, as such, it belongs to all, reaches all, and blesses all.”

- Donna Goddard

It is a mysterious place, the world of energy, but many healers recognise the deep bodily shift that occurs in the presence of trauma and grief. As humans, we are made up of energy. When the energy paths within the body experience a sudden shift, especially with the profound nature of grief, this can result in a nervous system that feels frayed as our minds attempt to catch up to our bodies. Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the subtle energy systems to help balance and strengthen the flow of energy within the body.

Some of the benefits of Energy work include:

Helps to regulate the nervous system

Helps to ease nausea due to many treatments such as chemotherapy

Improves sleep

Reduces stress and tension

Helps with pain management associated with illness

Reduces anxiety

Helps in connecting you to your loved ones

Soothes digestion

Improves circulation

Promotes relaxation

*A warm reminder that grief can take many forms, and while it does include terminal illness or losing a loved one, it can also appear when we experience a shift in identity. This might look like (and is not limited to): divorce, the ending of a friendship or relationship, job loss, job change, moving homes or countries of origin, and/or a change in family dynamics.

All of the offerings here can be used to help move us through transition and into a place of calm and acceptance.

They are offered as single sessions or as part of a larger plan.

Please connect to learn more.